Thursday, December 1, 2016

New Worker Protection Standards Coming into Effect on Jan 2nd

New Worker Protection Standards Going into Effect on Jan 2nd

It's December 1st and I want to make you aware of some new laws that will be going into effect on January 2nd.  If you use and apply pesticides you need to be aware of these standards as they will be enforced.  I have included the link below to give you guidance as to these new standards:
New WPS .
Also to compare the old standards with the new visit this document:

Some highlight of the new standards:

1. Annual training of all workers and handles associated in and around pesticide use.

2. Training of worker and handlers immediately upon hiring and prior to their being exposed to areas where pesticides are being used.

3. Expanded training requirements.

4. Records of training must be kept for at least 2 years.

5.  Fit test requirements for individuals using respirators.

Note on the latter.-  We are in the process of hosting a clinic for applicators that need to be fit tested. If you or your employees use respirators then they will need to be fit test to insure that the equipment they use actually works and that they are healthy enough to use a respirator.  The date has not been confirmed but tentatively it will be sometime in March.  If you have a need to get a fit test earlier contact the folk at Mission Hospitals- OccuMed for an appointment. (828) 213-0878.

For more information contact your local Cooperative Extension Center and ask for the Commercial Horticulture Agent.