Landscapers should reduce mowing and pruning operations during this time to conserve on water as well as cutting off all irrigation systems on established turf, trees, and shrubs. Encourage to use of drip systems in areas with color or newly planted ornamentals to reduce the use of water where possible.
Nurseries and Greenhouse operations may need to consider utilizing shade in some areas to minimize water loss. Watering should be done earlier in the day to avoid evaporation loss. Any and all measures that can be taken to conserve water should be considered. Establish a triage system that priortizes water use to those plants that are most vulnerable to the drought conditions.
Continue to monitor the situation on your own site as you may be getting passing showers that others in the surrounding area are not.
We will try to keep you updated as the situation continues to develop.
For more information contact your local Cooperative Extension Center and ask for the Commercial Horticulture Agent.