Friday, April 22, 2011

Growin' in the Mountains

Growing in the Mountains is going on today and tomorrow as are several other plant sales events. Just came back from the show with several new plants for my own garden. Got to visit with several of my small growers and meet a few old friends that I had not seen in some time. The mood was very upbeat, sales brisk, and vendors very happy. If you are in the Asheville area today and tomorrow you should drop by the Farmer's Market and make some plant purchases. It will get you into the gardening mood- in spite of the rain.

Would like to take the opportunity to thank nurseryman and sustainability guru, Chuck Marsh from Useful Plants Nursery, in Black Mt for his comments about calling elected official to encourage them to keep funding Cooperative Extension. His calls were fruitful and the office of Mr. Tom Apodoca went the extra mile to let him know that his vote would be in support of NC Cooperative Extension and our efforts to provide the information needed by our growers to stay in business during these lean times. Thanks to both Chuck Marsh and to Senator Apodoca.
In case you are not familiar with Useful Plants Nursery, they are located off Highway 9 near Black Mountain. They are probably the only nursery in this area that focuses almost exclusively on fruiting plants.

For more information contact your local Cooperative Extension Center and ask for the Commercial Horticulture Agent.