Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Green Industry IPM Survey

Hello NC Nursery Crop Growers

The nursery science working group at N.C. State University is working with a regional group of extension specialists from GA, SC, KY, & TN to survey current pest (insect, disease, & weed) management practices and current pest priorities of growers in southeastern, wholesale, ornamental nurseries. Our efforts have been funded by the Southern Region Integrated Pest Management Center (SRIPMC) and supported by the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association (NCNLA) and each cooperating state’s nursery and landscape trade organization.

All responses are anonymous and kept confidential. Results for each state will be combined and made available as an average. Combined results for grower initiated priorities for future pest management issues will be available to research, teaching, and Extension professionals, as well as the entire green industry. This insight into current and emerging pest priorities will allow research and extension professionals to design their programs to investigate and resolve the most pressing pest issues in the green industry. Growers will be able to compare their pest management practices between states.

Your efforts will allow us to develop a multi-state crop profile (CP) and pest management strategic plan (PMSP). The CP and PMSPs developed will be for the most pressing pest problems in the nursery industry. The tools produced will be available in print and on-line and should give you the information that you need to manage pests in a cost-effective manner and maintain or even increase quality. We need your help to make developing this pest management strategic plan a success.

Please click in this link: IPM Survey
A test pool of nursery growers completed the survey in 15-20 minutes, so a little investment in time now will pay big dividends later.

Completion and submission of the survey is implied consent. All responses are anonymous and confidential. Your efforts will benefit you, as well as benefit other growers in North Carolina and the southeast.

Thank you from the Nursery Science Regional Working Group collaborating on this project:

Drs. Anthony LeBude, Joe Neal, Kelly Ivors, Steven Frank, NCSU and Craig Adkins, NCSU Cooperative Extension
Amy Fulcher and Dr. Win Dunwell, University of Kentucky
Drs. Sarah White, JC Chong, and Steven Jeffers, Clemson University
Drs. Matthew Chappell, Kris Braman, and Jean Williams-Woodward, University of Georgia
Drs. Alan Windham and Frank Hale, Tennessee

For more information contact your local Cooperative Extension Center and ask for the Commercial Horticulture Agent.